AgnesNR13 - Apoio

by Abante Informática ME



The Application is a complement to the AgnesNR13 Project, with the optimization of several complementary Reports/Inspections being possible to execute them via Application in the field and offline. After the inspection process, the information is synchronized with the AgnesNR13 Management Portal, thus allowing all management, monitoring, observation of indicators and generation of the report/certificate in a PDF document.In the Support Appa are available:- Option for a survey and evaluation of equipment with Configurable CheckList procedure, Inclusion of Photos, Security Instruments;- Option to generate Equipment Thickness Measurement Reports;- Option to generate Hydrostatic Test Reports;- Option to generate Reports if Non-Destructive Testing;- Option to generate Reports if Test by Ultrasound;Support Reports for the NR13 Inspection process, all integrated and managed on the AgnesNR13 portal. Everything is a single web portal.